Child Psychologist

Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT)


What is Virtual reality therapy (VRT)?

Virtual Reality Therapy is a highly effective technique for treating phobias and other mental health conditions. The patient is exposed to a virtual environment that allows them to safely practice their response to stressful situations under the guidance of Dr. Heather Davidson. Before working in a virtual setting, patients first practice biofeedback techniques to master their body's physical reaction to stress. Dr. Davidson controls each part of the environment to help patients troubleshoot through the most difficult part of each scenario.

For example, when working on public speaking anxiety, patients are transported onto a virtual podium, where they begin to practice their presentation and learn to handle reactions from the audience. Patients presenting with a fear of flying are taken through the entire flight process from taxing to the airport to take off to landing. Vision, movement, and even smell are all utilized to mimic the real experience, leading to higher treatment success rates.

Sessions typically last 45 minutes and occur 1-3x per week based on the condition and treatment goals. The average length of treatment is 8-12 sessions.



Specific phobias (dogs, flying, heights, bugs, transportation), school refusal/school avoidance, social anxiety, OCD, ADHD (can insert the patient into a school situation or social situation and practice staying focused on specific tasks), PTSD, trauma, etc.


What you should know


Sessions: Standard Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) sessions last 45 minutes. The average patient comes in 1-3x per week based on treatment goals.

Process: After the initial consultation a detailed assessment takes place to better understand the condition and underlying thought process associated. From there the patient and Dr. Davidson collaboratively develop something called a “fear hierarchy” or a plan of exposures that will increase from imaginative, to virtual reality, to in-vivo. Once the fear hierarchy is developed the patient will be taught biofeedback strategies to utilize during the VRT. Patients are then transported into a virtual environment where they practice using the biofeedback strategies in order to recondition their fight-or-flight responses and extinguish their automatic and irrational fear.

Getting started: All new patients will first complete the initial consultation, a 30-minute preliminary conversation between the patient or parent / guardian and Dr. Heather Davidson.

About: Dr. Heather Davidson is a Licensed Psychologist and Board Certified Neurofeedback Provider in both New York State and Virginia. Although she is an expert in Child Psychology, Dr. Davidson works with patients of all ages.