Child Psychologist



Treatment Options

Individualized Treatment for Children, Teens and Adults


Individualized treatment that fits your child and your family that pulls from research supported modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), parent management training (PMT), executive functioning coaching, biofeedback, neurofeedback and Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRT)



Individualized Treatment Plans


Dr. Davidson doesn’t only focus on what is IDEAL for your child, she integrates the ideal with what WORKS for your family because it doesn’t matter if you have all the information necessary to cause change if you’re not able to implement or maintain it.  After the initial consultation, Dr. Heather Davidson creates an individualized treatment plan based on the unique needs and goals of each patient. This approach is a highly effective way to achieve psychological and behavioral progress.  

Take the survey below to see what your individualized plan may include. Keep in mind that the questions included are only a small part of the initial assessment process.


Example of an Individualized Treatment Plan



What you should know

About: Dr. Heather Davidson is a Licensed Psychologist and Board Certified Neurofeedback provider in New York State. Although she is an expert in Child Psychology, Dr. Davidson works with patients of all ages.

The Process: All new patients will first complete the initial consultation, a 30 minute preliminary conversation between the patient or parent / guardian and Dr. Heather Davidson. To maximize effectiveness, treatment often involves combining one or more of the techniques above (such as talk therapy + neurofeedback).

